By: Bayero Ade In a heartbreaking incident, an early morning fire on Monday claimed the lives of the daughter and three grandchildren of Alhaji...
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A tragic fire outbreak in Sokoto metropolis has claimed the lives of four individuals, including the daughter of the Secretary to the State Government of Sokoto, Muhammad Bello Sifawa, and her three children. The deceased mother was also the wife of Muhammadu Yusuf Bello, Permanent Secretary of the Sokoto State Ministry of Sports and Youth […] The post Fire outbreak in Sokoto claims SSG daughter, three grandchildren appeared first on NewsclickNG.
By: Bayero Ade In a heartbreaking incident, an early morning fire on Monday claimed the lives of the daughter and three grandchildren of Alhaji...
The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Sokoto State Council, has expressed profound sorrow over the tragic loss suffered by the Secretary to the...
A devastating fire early Monday morning claimed the lives of the daughter and three grandchildren of Sokoto State’s Secretary to the Government,...
The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Ondo State has commiserated with the government and people of the state over the tragic demise of the Secretary...
The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Ondo State has commiserated with the government and people of the state over the tragic demise of the Secretary...
The Secretary to the Ondo State Government (SSG), Hon. Temitayo Oluwatuyi, has passed away. The post Ondo SSG Oluwatuyi dies three weeks after crash...
A fire has destroyed a one-storey building on Abike Suleiman Street in the Lekki area of Lagos State. In a statement, Olufemi Oke-Osanyintoluf,...
A fire has destroyed a one-storey building on Abike Suleiman Street in the Lekki area of Lagos State. In a statement, Olufemi Oke-Osanyintoluf,...
A fire broke out on Tuesday, engulfing the top floor of a three-story building at Number 2, Ido Oluwo, in the busy Docemo Market area of Lagos...
A fire broke out on Tuesday, engulfing the top floor of a three-story building at Number 2, Ido Oluwo, in the busy Docemo Market area of Lagos...