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Maroc Maroc - HAURAKI.CO.NZ - A La Une - 27/Feb 19:35

FULL SHOW: Party at Hoytey's (Feat. Mark Richardson)

On today's show, Jase is getting ready for 'Nam, Mogey hits a parenting milestone and Keyzie's excited to chat to an old colleague. TIMESTAMPS (you might suggest): (00:00) Intro: Old School Scumbags(02:23) How to: House Sit(08:10) House sitting horror stories(11:48) THE BLEATING GOAT(14:34) Intro: All aboard the arse train(17:03) One & A Half Mogeys(22:27) Mark Richardson joins the flellas!(32:05) Intro: Gossip with Pug-San(34:06) Keyzie's next 5 movies he probably hasn't seen(38:11) GOAT RECAP(41:20)What's On The Telly, With Mike Minogue(45:59) Farewell! Follow The Big Show on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haurakibigshow Subscribe to the podcast now on iHeartRadio, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts! Featuring Jason Hoyte, Mike Minogue, and Keyzie, "The Big Show" drive you home weekdays from 4pm on Radio Hauraki.  Providing a hilarious escape from reality for those ‘backbone’ New Zealanders with plenty of laughs and out-the-gate yarns. Download the full podcast here: iHeartRadio: www.iheart.com/podcast/1049-the-hauraki-big-show-71532051/?follow=true Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hauraki-big-show/id1531952388 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/20OF8YadmJmvzWa7TGRnDI

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