Turia Schmidt-Peke, who is better known for her TV appearances in Shortland Street and Celebrity Treasure Island, took to the stage for Te Matatini...
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Hauora has been an important focus for Te Matatini with a zero tolerance for drinking, drugs, smoking, and vaping - but what else is being done at the event to encourage Māori to better look after themselves?
Turia Schmidt-Peke, who is better known for her TV appearances in Shortland Street and Celebrity Treasure Island, took to the stage for Te Matatini...
Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga brought thousands of visitors to Taranaki, injecting millions of dollars into the province in the process, and opening...
"Māori are very political people," Rawiri Waititi who performed at Te Matatini with new group Te Taumata o Apanui, said.
Whether it's Māori business merch flying off the shelves, custom pounamu, or handcrafted pēke (bags) to carry all the necessities - every fit has a...
Te Matatini - the national kapa haka championships - kick off in New Plymouth tomorrow, the first time the event has been held in Taranaki for more...
Every item performed by kapa at Te Matatini carry a pūrākau (story) of people, places, and events of historical of significance for their hapū and...
Numbers at Te Matatini have been building up over the week, and will crescendo for a sold out finals on Saturday.
The first performers are taking the stage at the national kapa haka championships, with more than 2000 people and 55 groups set to perform.
A team of ringa hāpai have come together to ensure that the festival remains a welcoming and inclusive event.
MANILA, Philippines — Health experts and advocates urge the candidates of the upcoming midterm elections to support the call for further raising...