Hargeisa (HOL) – Somaliland has purchased vehicles and weapons from clan militia forces in the Sanaag region, and militia members have been sent for...
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Hargiesa (HOL) — At least 45,000 families have fled Erigavo, fearing an escalation in fighting, even as Somaliland’s government pushes a new peace initiative in the Sanaag region.
Hargeisa (HOL) – Somaliland has purchased vehicles and weapons from clan militia forces in the Sanaag region, and militia members have been sent for...
Hargeisa (HOL) – A high-level Somaliland delegation led by Vice President Mohamed Ali Aw Abdi arrived in Erigavo on Monday to promote peace and...
Hargeisa (HOL) — The self-declared republic of Somaliland has officially integrated the first battalion of the SSB clan militia into its army forces...
Hargeisa (HOL) – Somaliland President Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro condemned the fighting that broke out on Friday between Somaliland and...
Mogadishu (HOL) — Heavy clashes broke out early Friday between Somaliland forces and SSC Khaatumo fighters in the contested town of Buqdharkayn,...
Mogadishu (HOL) – Somaliland forces and the SSC-Khatumo administration accused each other of starting Friday's heavy fighting in the Buqdharkayn...
Intense fighting in Syria over two days has resulted in a death toll exceeding 1,000, marking one of the deadliest incidents in the 14-year conflict....
Arbaco, February 26, 2025 (HOL) - Hoggaamiyaha Maamulka SSC Khaatumo, Cabdiqaadir Aw Cali Firdhiye, ayaa ku baaqay in la xoojiyo halganka uu...
Mogadishu (HOL) — The leader of SSC Khatumo, Abdiqadir Aw Ali Firdhiye, has called for a renewed offensive against Somaliland, urging supporters to...
Axad, Maarso 9, 2025 (HOL) - Madaxweyne Ku-xigeenka Somaliland, Maxamed Cali Aw Cabdi, ayaa si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay inay u gudo gelayaan shirar...