China’s Zhurong rover finds evidence of shoreline buried deep underground
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Radar data from a rover has revealed buried beneath the Martian surface evidence of what looks like sandy beaches from the shoreline of a large ocean.
China’s Zhurong rover finds evidence of shoreline buried deep underground
Data obtained by the Chinese Zhurong Martian rover has revealed what look like sandy beaches from the shoreline of an ancient ocean that may have...
A new study reveals that Mars had sun-scorched beaches with waves breaking on ancient ocean shores. Data from China's Zhurong rover indicates sandy...
A Chinese rover that landed on Mars in 2021 has found strong evidence that the planet once had a vast ocean. Scientists believe this discovery adds to...
Scientists studying Mars have made a breakthrough discovery that challenges previous assumptions about the planet’s climate. A NASA rover’s laser...
A recent study has revealed that the red color of Mars is due to ferrihydrite, an iron oxide mineral. This finding suggests that Mars once had liquid...
Future Space New images from NASA show the foundation of a pyramid-like structure on Mars. It is incredible how many[...]
By Robert E. Hamilton (FPRI) -- I’m sitting in Ukraine as I write this. In a case of perhaps the most awkward timing imaginable, I arrived here...
The underwater photographer of the year competition celebrates photos beneath the surface.