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Maroc Maroc - TIMBERBIZ.COM.AU - A La Une - 28/Jun 00:12

NZ repeals legislation for registration of log traders and forestry advisors

The New Zealand Government has repealed legislation requiring the compulsory registration of log traders and forestry advisers. Source: Timberbiz “The existing legislation fails to deliver outcomes and places unnecessary costs on forest businesses,” Forestry Minister Todd McClay said. “I am confident that voluntary registration through the New Zealand Institute of Forestry is a better mechanism to support the quality of forestry advice.” Changes will come into effect 1 July and the Government will refund any fees or levies already paid to the Ministry for Primary Industries this season. Forest owners have welcomed the repeal saying it will provide relief and assurance to cost struck growers facing increased regulatory complexities. Timber products play a pivotal role in New Zealand’s primary exports, which contributed NZ$5.8 billion to the economy last year. An operating environment that supports a strong economy and strengthens the integrity of the supply chain is essential to getting New Zealand back on track, lowering the cost of living and providing the quality public services Kiwis deserve. Minister McClay said that the legislation honours the pre-election commitment to cut wasteful spending and restore confidence in the forestry sector. “It is important that we reduce unnecessary regulation and compliance costs where possible,” Mr McClay says.  

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