In the movie Contact (1997), a scientist travels to the star Vega and finds herself surrounded by a cloud of debris, a scene that now seems uncannily...
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The outer Solar System has been a treasure trove of discoveries in recent decades. Using ground-based telescopes, astronomers have identified eight large bodies since 2002 – Quouar, Sedna, Orcus, Haumea, Salacia, Eris, Makemake, and Gonggang. These discoveries led to the “Great Planet Debate” and the designation “dwarf planet,” an issue that remains contentious today. On […]
In the movie Contact (1997), a scientist travels to the star Vega and finds herself surrounded by a cloud of debris, a scene that now seems uncannily...
Future Space Explore the astounding discovery of a Super-Earth planet right here in our Solar System! This exciting find by[...]
Future Space Astronomers recently found a massive planet, LHS 3154b, that’s over 13 times heavier than Earth, and it’s puzzling[...]
Astronomers have found a black hole in the Cygnus constellation formed without a supernova. This unique system includes a black hole and two stars....
Future Space Are the constellations of the solar system due to a visit from a foreign star? The latest findings[...]
Scientists have always been fascinated by how our bodies work and how the world around us affects us. Recently, a team from the University of Toronto,...
Researchers have found a way to significantly improve the efficiency of a type of solar cell called kesterite (CZTSSe) thin-film solar cells. These...
"Having a feast." The powerful James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a phenomenon once thought impossible. Astronomers trained the instrument on a...
Don’t rush down the coast to Tropea, but stop for a few days in Calabria’s Cedar Coast where, Marco Ferrarese discovers, you can satiate your...
An international team of astronomers has used the James Webb Space Telescope to identify the first rich population of brown dwarf candidates outside...