South Africans using social media platforms and private messaging platforms like WhatsApp are being cautioned about what they say online as it could...
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As social media platforms like X and LinkedIn face rising malign influence and bot infiltration, you may want to explore alternatives.
South Africans using social media platforms and private messaging platforms like WhatsApp are being cautioned about what they say online as it could...
Indian professionals in the US face intensified social media attacks, raising safety concerns among Indian Americans. Leaders like Rishi Kumar and...
When Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, announced during Event 201’s pandemic drill in 2019 that they would “flood the zone with...
In a win for free speech advocates, the Australian Government formally abandoned its misinformation bill over the weekend, after failing to secure...
By Gillian SchutteThe moment has come to question the wisdom of continuing to battle a wounded but still formidable behemoth: Western corporate media....
Uspkilling trends in 2025: Between 2020 and 2022, significant changes reshaped the global workforce, including a surge in remote work and the gig...
.Welcome to my first LinkedIn Newsletter in 2025, where I share insights as a public relations measurement professional with more than a decade of...
Maybe they want to prove it right Tech giant Meta has just showcased AI-generated profiles on social media platform Instagram, and it should worry you
When Chris Brönimann became Nadia just before the turn of the millennium, the whole of Switzerland watched in fascination. Now, the country’s...