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Maroc Maroc - EURASIAREVIEW.COM - A la une - 18/Jun 23:23

Democracy And Ecology: The Integral Role Of Myanmar’s Resistance In Climate Strategies – OpEd

In the urgent global battle against climate change, the governance and policies of every country are pivotal. Yet, international governments and environmental organizations seem to have overlooked a crucial ally: Myanmar's resistance. This group, advocating for sustainable governance and environmental protection, holds the key to significant ecological benefits, yet receives limited international support. This oversight raises a critical question about the global commitment to both democratic values and environmental sustainability in regions like Myanmar, which are of immense ecological importance. Myanmar's Vulnerability to Climate Change Myanmar is already experiencing the adverse effects of climate change, which exacerbates the urgency for effective environmental governance and international support. The country faces increased frequencies of extreme weather events, such as cyclones, floods, and prolonged droughts, impacting agriculture, livelihoods, and food security. Rising sea levels pose a threat to coastal communities and the rich delta regions, crucial for rice cultivation and the livelihood of millions. The degradation of ecosystems due to these climatic changes not only diminishes biodiversity but also reduces the resilience of local communities to environmental stresses. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort to implement adaptation and mitigation strategies that can only be effectively realized with a governance system that prioritizes sustainability and is responsive to the needs of its people. The resistance's role becomes even more critical as it aligns with the objectives of safeguarding the environment while promoting democratic values, highlighting the need for immediate and robust international support to counteract the impacts of climate change in Myanmar. For more detailed information on Myanmar's climate vulnerabilities, see the [United Nations Development Programme's assessment] (https://www.adaptation-undp.org/explore/east-asia-and-pacific/myanmar) on the impacts of climate change on the country. The Case for Sustainable Governance Comprising a range of ethnic and democratic groups, the Myanmar resistance champions governance models that emphasize inclusivity and democracy, in stark contrast to the military regime's exploitative practices that prioritize short-term gains over environmental sustainability. Support for these governance models could significantly bolster global efforts to protect vital ecosystems and biodiversity hotspots. Biodiversity Under Threat Myanmar, recognized for its vast forests and diverse wildlife, is crucial to global biodiversity. The country faces one of the highest deforestation rates in Southeast Asia, primarily due to resource extraction like illegal logging, mining, and wildlife trafficking conducted by the military. A report by the [World Wildlife Fund (2022)] (https://www.worldwildlife.org/threats/deforestation ) highlights these impacts and underscores the critical role that supporting the resistance could play in empowering local communities to manage and conserve their natural resources sustainably. Addressing the Climate Change Impact The military's focus on resource exploitation severely undermines efforts to mitigate climate change, such as reducing deforestation and transitioning to renewable energy sources. According to the [International Energy Agency (IEA)] (https://www.iea.org/countries/myanmar), Myanmar's reliance on fossil fuel power plants and inefficient diesel generators significantly contributes to its greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting a gap that could be bridged by adopting cleaner energy initiatives under a resistance-led governance framework. Environmental Impact of Energy Choices Myanmar's energy infrastructure, plagued by unreliability, forces reliance on diesel generators, which are inefficient and polluting. Supporting the resistance's move towards cleaner energy sources could dramatically improve air quality and reduce the carbon footprint of a nation that is crucial in the global ecological context. Mining and Extraction Consequences The intensive mining for copper, jade, and rare earth elements has led to significant environmental degradation. Effective resistance against such unchecked exploitation could foster better regulation and more sustainable mining practices, thus protecting crucial natural and community resources. Civil War and Environmental Catastrophe The ongoing civil conflict in Myanmar not only causes direct human suffering but also extensive environmental damage, leading to deforestation, land degradation, and pollution. The [Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 2024 report] (https://www.sipri.org/publications/2024/peace-and-security-fact-sheet) discusses these impacts and the integrated approach needed for peacebuilding and environmental protection. Exploitation by International Investors International investors, often with the junta's approval, exploit Myanmar's resources, violating environmental regulations and undermining the country's ecological and social health. Support for the resistance could enforce compliance with international environmental standards, drawing on precedents like the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. Empowering Civil Society and Indigenous Groups The resistance includes grassroots and indigenous organizations with deep knowledge of sustainable management. International support for these groups is crucial for implementing community-based conservation strategies effectively. Supporting Myanmar's resistance could set a precedent for global accountability, encouraging other nations to prioritize environmental integrity as part of their political and economic agendas. Overcoming Limitations Imposed by the Junta International organizations often face significant barriers imposed by the military junta, including restricted access to affected areas, bureaucratic hurdles, and threats to the safety of their personnel. To overcome these challenges, international actors can: 1. Leverage Digital and Remote Support: Utilize technology to provide remote training, resources, and support to local environmental groups and resistance movements. 2. Partner with Local NGOs: Strengthen partnerships with local non-governmental organizations that have better access and understanding of the on-ground realities. 3. Diplomatic Pressure and Sanctions: Increase diplomatic pressure and implement targeted sanctions against the junta to push for greater access and cooperation for international environmental efforts. 4. Funding and Resources: Direct more funding and resources to resistance groups and local organizations committed to environmental sustainability and democratic governance. 5. International Advocacy: Use international platforms to raise awareness about the environmental and human rights abuses in Myanmar, mobilizing global support and action. A Call for Action The international community must reassess its strategies and recognize the Myanmar resistance as a critical ally in the fight against climate change. Global environmental policy must integrate support for democratic resistance movements, aligning the fight for political freedom with ecological sustainability. This call to action is underpinned by rigorous documentation and advocacy from organizations like [Human Rights Watch] (https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/myanmar-burma), [Global Witness] (https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/environmental-activists/ ), and [Amnesty International] (https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-east-asia/myanmar/), all of which provide detailed insights into the intersection of human rights and environmental management in conflict zones like Myanmar. These sources underscore the critical need for an integrated approach that considers both human and environmental well-being in policy-making.

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