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Maroc Maroc - RAWSTORY.COM - Raw Story - 24/Jun 15:35

Nearly half of young voters say neither Biden nor Trump understands them

Almost half of young voters say that neither candidate understands their demographic's needs or concerns, according to a new poll.When asked if either candidate understood "the needs and concerns of younger people," voters under 30 appeared to be unconvinced that either candidate did. President Joe Biden was the most-highly ranked, with 26% saying he understood them. One-fifth said former President Donald Trump understood, and only 5% said that both candidates did. But 48% said that neither candidate understood their needs.As far as whether they will "definitely" vote in the upcoming presidential election, 66% of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 said they would. That's the lowest rate demographically; 76% of people 30-44 said they would. That climbed to 80% for voters between 45 and 64. As is common, voters over 65 are the most likely to vote, with 94% answering in the affirmative.READ MORE: Biden and Trump Both Share 54% Unfavorability Rating, Same as Clinton In 2016While only 21% of overall voters are "excited" about the presidential candidates, young voters are the least excited — 17% — and most "disappointed" — 37% — about their choices. Voters over 65 are the most excited by the candidates at 24%, though slightly more, 25%, are disappointed. Republicans are the most excited, but at only 35%. Independent voters are the most disappointed of any demographic at 45%.Voters under 30 also seem to be more pessimistic about their prospects. Nearly half, 49%, say it's harder to go to a "good college," 70% say it's harder to get a "good job," and 82% say it's harder to buy a home.And when it comes to why young voters don't vote, 36% said it was a matter of not having the time, 33% said that voting didn't always appeal to them, and 32% said "sometimes I think the whole system is bad." Equal amounts of young voters, 39%, say that watching politics over "the last few years," has made them feel like "there's nothing else I can do" or that they wanted "to tune out and watch something else."The poll's sample size was 2,460 adults, with 743 being between ages 18 and 29. The margin of error is 2.8% overall, and 5.2% for questions posed to voters under 30.The two major party presidential candidates are the oldest in American history. Former President Ronald Reagan was 73 when he was reelected in 1984, and former Senator Bob Dole was also 73 when he ran for president in 1996. Just nine presidents have been under 50 when first elected, and only Trump and Biden have been in their 70s when first elected.

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