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Maroc Maroc - RAWSTORY.COM - Raw Story - 05/Jun 21:02

Beauty queen who confessed married Trump kissed her now claims he tried to go further

A new book Apprentice in Wonderland by Variety Editor-in-Chief Ramin Setoodeh is set to be published later this month — but shocking excerpts are already being released. Among claims made by former "Apprentice" winner Randall Pinkett to Setoodeh is that the married Donald Trump wouldn't stop talking about how much he wanted to have sex with another contestant, Jennifer Murphy, The Atlantic reported. Season 4 began on Sept. 22, 2005, eight months to the day that Trump married his third wife, Melania, and six months before she gave birth to their son. READ ALSO: Liberals are being way too cynical about Trump's convictionTrump filmed the infamous "Access Hollywood" interview prior to the season's start. Trump was appearing as a guest star in an episode of "Days of Our Lives" at the time. Murphy, a 26-year-old beauty queen at the time of the taping, has spoken out about Trump's affection for her previously, claiming he gave her a "little kiss."But in interviews with Setoodeh, she says her interactions went further than that.When she first met Trump, she felt that he was treating her like a protégée, she said.“I think he looked at me in a way like he does his daughter,” Murphy told the book's author. “But also, I did think he had the hots for me a bit.”While she previously spoke about the "little kiss," now she says Trump also "invited her to his room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She declined the invitation because he was married to his current wife, Melania," The Atlantic wrote. “I have a conscience,” Murphy explained to Setoodeh, implying that the invitation was for sex. “I have integrity. I made up a reason I was busy."A week after the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape was released, Murphy went on CNN to say that Trump kissed her without asking — though it didn't upset her. Erin Burnett asked whether the kiss happened at Trump Tower, and Murphy attacked the media, saying it bothers her that she confessed, "I mentioned once, yes, he kissed me on the lips, but that's all they want to focus on. It was a small kiss. It was after he had fired me on The Apprentice."She revealed in the interview that despite her string of losses on the show, Trump still wanted to hire her in his office. "He called me the next day and said, 'I still want to give you an opportunity to work with me. I was very impressed with you," he said. "So, after several meetings and getting to know him more, he walked me to the elevator at one point and he did reach in and give me a little kiss. And I was a little surprised, but I wasn't offended. And I could have turned away..."She went on to attack the media, saying that she gave long interviews where she sang Trump's praises, but after the Access Hollywood tape, all reporters wanted to know about was whether he kissed her.Trump said in the hot-mic moment with "Access Hollywood" that he couldn't control himself and he would grab women and kiss them. "And if you're a celebrity, they let you do it!" he bragged at the time. It has been only a few weeks since actress and director Stormy Daniels described the moment that she had sex with Trump in a hotel room after he similarly asked her to "dinner" to talk about her appearance on The Apprentice. She testified under oath in Trump's New York criminal trial that after using the bathroom, she came out to find Trump in his underwear, posing on the bed.Jennifer Murphy told the author that she never considered Trump a predator. “I think, if anything, he likes beautiful women too much — if that’s a flaw," she said. She remained friends with Trump, she said, and when she got married, he gave her a discount so she could have the wedding at one of his properties. Ironically, Trump joined her when she filmed a segment about her wedding for "Access Hollywood." During the filming, Trump pulled her away and asked her why she was marrying the fiancé. “He put his arm around me,” Murphy described to Setoodeh. “It was off camera. I think he smacked my butt a little. I was like, ‘Goodness gracious!’"The book will be released on June 18, and Raw Story will have full coverage.

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