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Maroc Maroc - ENG.UATV.UA - A La Une - 14/Jun 12:37

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine and the United States Signed the Strongest Agreement Since Ukraine’s Independence

The bilateral security agreement signed with the United States confirms the reliability of the United States' support for Ukraine's independence. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Italy during a joint press conference with President of the United States Joseph Biden. Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Joseph Biden for his leadership, which was demonstrated, in particular, by this agreement and years of support for Ukraine, as well as both teams that worked on the content of the document. Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joseph Biden. Photo: president.gov.ua "And, of course, I want to thank every Ukrainian warrior, all our people, whose courage made this level of alliance between Ukraine and the United States possible. I am proud of our people and what Ukraine is capable of. And I'm very grateful to all Americans, to everyone in America, who strengthens American leadership," he said. The President of Ukraine emphasized that the agreement contains clauses on Russia's fair accountability for this war and important positions on weapons for Ukrainian defense. In particular, there are specific clauses on Patriot systems, supplying Ukraine with squadrons of fighter jets and necessary weapons. "The philosophy of the security agreement between Ukraine and the United States is essentially the philosophy of NATO, and that is why the issue of the Alliance is addressed throughout its text. America supports Ukraine's future membership in NATO and acknowledges that our security agreement is a bridge to Ukraine's membership in NATO," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: president.gov.ua The Head of State also noted the leadership of the U.S. President in the G7 decision on the $50 billion loan for our country. "Russia's frozen assets must be used to protect the lives of Ukrainians from Russian terror and to compensate for the damage caused to Ukraine by the aggressor. This is fair and absolutely right," Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized. Joseph Biden noted that the purpose of this agreement is to strengthen Ukraine's defense and its ability to deter the aggressor. According to him, the United States will provide Ukraine with weapons and ammunition and expand intelligence sharing. Interaction between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the United States will be stepped up in accordance with NATO standards, and investments will be made in the defense industrial base to ensure Ukraine's ability to produce its own weapons. Joseph Biden. Photo: president.gov.ua "The bilateral security agreement lays out our shared vision for a just peace based on the UN Charter, the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. A peace with broad fundamental support in the world. And a peace in which Russia is held accountable for the damage caused in this war. We will see strong support for this vision at the historic Peace Summit in Switzerland, where the United States will be represented by Vice President Kamala Harris," he said. Joseph Biden emphasized that Ukraine will have everything it needs to defend itself and will receive this assistance at a rapid pace. Read also: Ukraine and the U.S. Signed a Bilateral Security Agreement The post Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine and the United States Signed the Strongest Agreement Since Ukraine’s Independence appeared first on Freedom.

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