Manaka Ranaka, known for her role on Generations: The Legacy, has shared the devastating news of the sudden death of her eldest daughter, Katlego. The
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Bulelwa Hoala Tributes have poured in for Manaka Ranaka following the untimely passing of her 24-year-old daughter Katlego “KG” Ranaka on Thursday, 23 January. The Ranaka family confirmed the sad news in a statement they released to the public via social media on Saturday. “It is with heavy hearts that [...]
Manaka Ranaka, known for her role on Generations: The Legacy, has shared the devastating news of the sudden death of her eldest daughter, Katlego. The
Bulelwa Hoala Generations: The Legacy actress Manaka Ranaka has announced the memorial and funeral details for her late daughter Katlego “KG”...
The death of Katlego “KG” Ranaka, daughter of Generations: The Legacy actress Manaka Ranaka, has cast a pall of grief over the family and sparked...
The passing of Katlego “KG” Ranaka has deeply affected her family, especially her cousin, Thandokuhle Ranaka. Katlego, a rising star with...
Johannesburg – South Africa is in mourning following the tragic and sudden death of Katlego Ranaka, eldest daughter of celebrated Generations: The...
Katlego passed away on Thursday, 23 January.
"My heart is broken": Thandokuhle Ranaka breaks silence on the death of Katlego Ranaka, who passed away on Thursday.
"My heart is broken": Thandokuhle Ranaka breaks silence on the death of Katlego Ranaka, who passed away on Thursday.
Manaka, who is mourning the loss of her daughter Katlego, shows her support for Brenda after a heated exchange with her mother.