Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
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Zimbabwean prophet Obey Mukanhairi, known for his controversial and often unsettling prophecies, has sparked a fierce backlash after he predicted the death of popular Zambian musician Slapdee. Prophet Obey, who has previously gained attention for foretelling the deaths of several South African public figures, made the chilling announcement on Thursday through his Facebook page, stating: …
Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
The Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Primate Elijah Ayodele’s marks on the prophetic ministry in Africa are indelible; he has attained...
Jack Schlossberg, the only grandson of the iconic Jackie Kennedy, sparked an uproar on social media with a tweet that many found unsettling. The...
Former England manager Sam Allardyce has come under fire from Nigerian fans and football enthusiasts following his recent comments about Jay-Jay...
American musician Chris Brown has taken an entire nation into the spotlight with the release of his new music video for Residual on Thursday. The...
By Dalia Al-Aqidi Social movements are strong drivers of change, occurring when people join together to fight unfair systems, call for equality...
REVEALED!!! How Primate Ayodele Foretold Deadly US Wildfire In 2025 Prophecies—-Primate Elijah Ayodele of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church...
On “Poet of Motel 6,” due March 21, the country musician known for shocking audiences grapples with death and his own legacy.
The father of Timilehin Ajayi, the gospel singer arrested in connection with the murder of Salome Adaidu, a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)...