Delhi Police’s Special Cell arrested the two accused, identified as Sahil, alias Poli, and Vijay Gehlot on the intervening night between Wednesday...
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Devesh Chandra Srivastava, special commissioner of police (Crime), said that the accused were plotting the two attacks following instructions of Kapil Nandu, hiding in the UK
Delhi Police’s Special Cell arrested the two accused, identified as Sahil, alias Poli, and Vijay Gehlot on the intervening night between Wednesday...
The local police on Tuesday arrested two members of an alleged snatching gang and recovered 16 mobile phones from their possession
The local police on Tuesday arrested two members of an alleged snatching gang and recovered 16 mobile phones from their possession
The vehicle used in the crime, a Honda City, was recovered from Bathinda Railway Station, marking their last known location, a police official privy...
While the government continues to work with reformed gang members to curb crime, the Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says there is a need to...
While the government continues to work with reformed gang members to curb crime, the Commissioner of Police Chester Williams says there is a need to...
The police in the Ohangwena region have arrested two men aged 26 and 51 found in possession of pangolin skin worth N$50 000 at Okongo on Tuesday....
Crime Reporter Police in Harare on Tuesday arrested three robbers aged between 18 and 21 while they were robbing two people. The trio had allegedly...
Tension gripped Ado-Ekiti on Thursday following a violent clash between members of the Oodua People's Congress (OPC) and commercial motorcycle...
Two men from Chhatmara village gang-raped a 26-year-old woman in a moving auto after luring her with a job offer. The woman managed to escape and...