One of the milestones of Chandigarh Police was the arrest of serial rapist and killer Monu, a Sector 38 West resident, who committed three gruesome...
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One of the milestones of Chandigarh Police was the arrest of serial rapist and killer Monu, a Sector 38 West resident, who committed three gruesome rape murders in Chandigarh
One of the milestones of Chandigarh Police was the arrest of serial rapist and killer Monu, a Sector 38 West resident, who committed three gruesome...
A Tobago man has been sentenced by the High Court for crimes committed during a 2010 home invasion in Patience Hill, Tobago. Darren Romeo, 38, faced...
A Tobago man has been sentenced by the High Court for crimes committed during a 2010 home invasion in Patience Hill, Tobago. Darren Romeo, 38, faced...
The Chinese dubbed 2024 the Year of the Dragon, but in Trinidad and Tobago it became a year of pain, sorrow and bloodshed for hundreds of...
A woman and two men were arrested with narcotics in separate cases in Chandigarh. In the first case, a woman residing in Sector 38-West, was caught...
Sunil Kumar, a native of Ganj village in Uttar Pradesh, was arrested on November 19, 2018, for allegedly rape and murder
Sunil Kumar, a native of Ganj village in Uttar Pradesh, was arrested on November 19, 2018, for allegedly rape and murder
The victim, Gunj Bahadur, a resident of Sector 40, in his complaint to the police, highlighted that the group attacked him at around 6.15 pm
The victim, Gunj Bahadur, a resident of Sector 40, in his complaint to the police, highlighted that the group attacked him at around 6.15 pm
The Nigeria Police Force on Monday begins the New year with the presentation of three major breakthroughs recorded by the Force Intelligence...