The Chandigarh MC has a total of 9,748 employees, including 6,965 outsourced employees; while outsourced staff wages take the largest share of MC’s...
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The Chandigarh MC has a total of 9,748 employees, including 6,965 outsourced employees; while outsourced staff wages take the largest share of MC’s monthly expenditure at ₹26 crore, ₹16 crore are allocated for regular staff
The Chandigarh MC has a total of 9,748 employees, including 6,965 outsourced employees; while outsourced staff wages take the largest share of MC’s...
The development comes a day after Hindustan Times had highlighted that the MC failed to pay its employees for the month of December due to the fund...
Electricity department employees, including 600 regular and 500 outsourced workers, are protesting the privatisation process, fearing their interests...
Electricity department employees, including 600 regular and 500 outsourced workers, are protesting the privatisation process, fearing their interests...
To control the situation, the municipal corporation (MC) commissioner Amit Kumar on Monday decided to implement the principle of “no work no pay”,...
To control the situation, the municipal corporation (MC) commissioner Amit Kumar on Monday decided to implement the principle of “no work no pay”,...
The updated minimum wage rates for both monthly and daily employees, effective from October 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025, have been provided in the...
The updated minimum wage rates for both monthly and daily employees, effective from October 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025, have been provided in the...
Source: Govt fails to remit teacher union funds -Newsday Zimbabwe Teachers pay monthly subscriptions of between US$8 and US$10 that are garnished from...
MANILA – Private sector employees who will report to work on New Year’s Day are entitled to 200 percent of their salary for the day. The...