As Greece bids farewell to the carnival season this weekend, cities countrywide are expected to come alive on Sunday with vibrant parades, music, and...
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As the vibrant parades of the Greek Carnival, or “Apokries,” flood the streets of the nation, this festive season brings with it a storm of culinary traditions that are as colorful and rich as the celebrations themselves. Apokries marks the period leading up to Lent in the Orthodox Christian calendar. It is a time of […]
As Greece bids farewell to the carnival season this weekend, cities countrywide are expected to come alive on Sunday with vibrant parades, music, and...
As the vibrant parades of Carnival sweep across Greece, one question comes to many people’s minds: Did the ancient Greeks celebrate Carnival?...
Greece’s rich history of traditions comes alive during the Carnival season, a time when ancient customs and modern celebrations come together....
“Kathara Deftera,” Greek for Clean Monday, commences the 40-day period of the Great Lent for the Greek Orthodox Church, called “Sarakosti.”
Traditional mas is a staple of TT’s culture, preserving the stories of our past through the remarkable displays of creativity that Carnival has...
When travelling the world, oftentimes the most authentic experiences are found through food. Aruba is a beautiful melting pot of over 100...
Ash Wednesday a significant day in the liturgical calendar that marks the start of the season of Lent and fasting.
•Jesus Cervantes/Shutterstock The Catholic Church has a series of practices and traditions that mark the liturgical calendar and guide the spiritual...
Eintou Springer’s play Kambule, which re-enacts the 1881 Canboulay riots, transformed Piccadilly Street in East Port of Spain into a vibrant...
Debbie Jacob WELCOME to TT Carnival Monday, 2025. “We are thankful,” Farmer Nappy sings. “Jump up and wave. Be thankful for life. Be thankful...