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Maroc Maroc - MYJOYONLINE.COM - A la Une - 22/Jun 07:32

Peter Otokunor: Ghana’s Tragic Saga of Food Inflation- Empty Plates and Empty Promises

As Ghana grapples with skyrocketing food prices, a harsh reality unfolds—the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government’s lofty promises of prosperity under a taxation-to-production regime have left many citizens with empty plates and stomachs. The stark truth is that the cluelessness, incompetence, poor management, corruption, and the wanton dissipation of the limited public resources have resulted in a relentless surge in food prices. We are now grappling with an insidious food crisis threatening the nation’s food security. Food scarcity and for that matter food inflation are pushing the most vulnerable sections of society into hunger, despite claims of agricultural transformation through the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme.

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