As 2024 unfolds, the Afrobeat scene has been marked by the unrelenting rise of female artists who are breaking barriers, pushing boundaries, and...
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An extraordinary chapter unfolds within the walls of the Nsawam Female Correctional Facility as Imagebureau and April Communications present ‘A Home Beyond the Walls'—a groundbreaking theatre production that delves into the lives, hopes, and resilience of the women within the facility.
As 2024 unfolds, the Afrobeat scene has been marked by the unrelenting rise of female artists who are breaking barriers, pushing boundaries, and...
The Ministry of Home Affairs in India has amended the Model Prison Manual and Model Prisons and Correctional Services Act to address caste-based...
The Mangaung Correctional Centre (MCC) in Bloemfontein and the Kutama-Sinthumule Correctional Centre (KSCC) in Limpopo are nearing the end of their...
In the winding alleys of southern Iran, artist Adel Yazdi has taken it upon himself to turn his rustic old neighborhood into a cultural and tourist...
In the winding alleys of southern Iran, artist Adel Yazdi has taken it upon himself to turn his rustic old neighborhood into a cultural and tourist...
THE Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS), are working on establishing...
The Boks are an invitation to all South Africans to find joy in the struggle and pride in the collective. Their resilience lifts us. It tells us that,...
A groundbreaking study reveals how the female sex hormone oestrogen influences binge drinking, offering new perspectives on alcohol use disorder in...
A groundbreaking study reveals how the female sex hormone oestrogen influences binge drinking, offering new perspectives on alcohol use disorder in...
In 2023, a groundbreaking article was published by The Cut. In it, it documented the lives of South Korean women who are practising 4B as a form of...