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Maroc Maroc - CHRONICLE.GI - A La Une - 18/Dec 13:12

Poetry Competition 2024 School Years 4-5 Winner Nostalgia

by Saanvi Khiani Nostalgia is brown, It takes like my granny’s cookies And smells like my granny’s perfume, Nostalgia looks like the back of my brain, The sound of calming music, Nostalgia is forget me not! Judge’s comments: Years 4-5 Winner Nostalgia An evocative poem making use of sensory language in a series of images...

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Poetry Competition 2024 School Years 4-5 Runner-Up The Amount your Sister can Teach You

chronicle.gi - 18/Dec 11:32

by Cora Ann Lopez When I was born my sister was three She taught me how to speak She also taught me to climb a tree Such a memorable thing for me Lots...

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LLMs are becoming more brain-like as they advance, researchers discover

techxplore.com - 18/Dec 12:40

Large language models (LLMs), the most renowned of which is ChatGPT, have become increasingly better at processing and generating human language over...

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Poetry Competition 2024 School Years 8-10 Runner-Up An Autumn Poem

chronicle.gi - 12/Dec 13:18

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Guggenheim Offers the Poetry of Motion: Sign Language Verses

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The museum’s poet in residence for 2024 is putting poetry by deaf and hard-of-hearing artists on display.

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Sending Cookies as a Substitute for Seeing Family

the new york times - 23/Dec 05:00

I miss the magic and the chaos of a big family gathering — until a box of cookies turns up on my porch.

How Learning a New Language Enhances Your Brain Power

imcgrupo.com - 21/Dec 05:57

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How Learning a New Language Enhances Your Brain Power

imcgrupo.com - 21/Dec 05:57

Discover how picking up a new language can sharpen your mind, boost memory, and make you more creative. Ready to get started? Find out the most spoken...

Book Review: The Poetry of Percival Everett

the new york times - 16/Dec 10:02

The winner of this year’s National Book Award in fiction has published several collections of poems. Our critic takes a look.

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Disney Influencer Dominique Brown Dies After Allergic Reaction At Event, Sparking Urgent Calls For Food Allergy Safety Reform

essence.com - 11/Dec 14:03

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