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Maroc Maroc - MYMUSKOKANOW.COM - A La Une - 17/Jun 14:16

‘Magical’ organization launched in Bracebridge to help people explore area

Bonnie Duits' "absolutely magical" ride with her mom inspired her to work with her cousin Kalleen Turchet to bring Cycling Without Age to Bracebridge.  With help from many people in the community, the pair were able to raise $5,000 towards buying a trishaw with more money contributed by Lakeland Power, the Town of Bracebridge, and the Rotary Club of Bracebridge.  The trishaw cost around $10,000.  Turchet and Duits got the motor-assisted machine a few weeks ago and have been working to train volunteers since.  The trishaw features a seating area - with seatbelts - in the front with room for two. The back half is like a bicycle cruising through town but has an electric motor to help the operator power through tricky areas.  "I wasn't out of breath just when we're riding along regularly, when we get to hills, it becomes a little bit of work," explains Duits. "It's a little different in terms of steering and weight distribution, sometimes you have to lean into the corners."  When she and Turchet started fundraising for the trishaw in July 2023, Duits explained how she was introduced to the program when she was visiting her mom, who lives in an assisted living home after being diagnosed with dementia, in British Columbia and instantly fell in love with the idea when she saw how much her mom enjoyed it.  "We feel like celebrities on the bike," jokes Duits. "When we're out on our trishaw people are so curious about it."  Turchet says anyone interested in volunteering or signing up for a ride should email bracebridgecyclingwithoutage@gmail.com or go to their website.   She adds all rides are free.  Turchet says they're continuing to reach out to long-term care homes in Bracebridge along with the Alzheimer's Society of Muskoka to see if there's interest in partnering.  She points out Bracebridge has so many beautiful places to see but some people just aren't able to see them without a little bit of help.  "It's great to be able to give them the opportunity to experience the community in a way they can't anymore," continues Turchet. The post ‘Magical’ organization launched in Bracebridge to help people explore area appeared first on My Muskoka Now.

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