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Maroc Maroc - THECEKODOK.COM - A La Une - 11/Jun 22:21

Apple Finally Introduces Calculator App For iPad

One of the things that iPad users often question is the absence of a calculator application on the Apple tablet. Now, after dithering with various excuses, Apple has finally announced the introduction of a calculator application for iPad users.iPadOS 18 will include this calculator application, and bring more convenience for input through a larger screen area. Users can also view various calculation checks on the side, as well as access more complex calculation features using this calculator application.Also interesting is the Math Notes support that will come to the iPad. Through it, users can use Apple Pencil in writing any mathematical equation, and it will use intelligent support in calculating and displaying related answers.Both of these calculations and math-focused updates will come to iPad via the iPadOS 18 update soon.

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