British sitcom star Pauline Quirke will step back from professional duties after being diagnosed with dementia. Her husband, Steve Sheen, released a...
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The Birds of a Feather star retires from acting and reveals she was diagnosed with dementia in 2021.
British sitcom star Pauline Quirke will step back from professional duties after being diagnosed with dementia. Her husband, Steve Sheen, released a...
Quirke's husband announced the Birds A Feather star would retire from “all professional and commercial duties” after being diagnosed with the...
The actor’s husband has announced ‘with a heavy heart’ that she will step back from public duties
A new review published in The BMJ provides important insights into the life expectancy and care needs of people diagnosed with dementia. The study...
Taureef Mohammed WHEN SHE learned her mother might have had dementia, it was too late: her mother had already died. Now, sitting outside the...
Love is Blind star Kwame Appiah shares he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in a candid Instagram video.