If you've ever dreamed of making the perfect Vegan Pizza Margherita, this recipe is for you! With a crispy crust, fresh basil, simple tomato sauce,...
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If you’re craving the perfect mix of crispy, spicy, and sweet, this Vegan Hot Honey Tofu is calling your name! Inspired by the viral hot honey chicken recipe, this cornflake-crusted tofu is baked or air-fried to golden perfection and drizzled with a sweet-and-spicy vegan hot honey made from agave. This vegan hot honey tofu is...
If you've ever dreamed of making the perfect Vegan Pizza Margherita, this recipe is for you! With a crispy crust, fresh basil, simple tomato sauce,...
Crispy, golden, and irresistibly delicious, this Beer Battered Barramundi & Chips recipe is a perfect way to enjoy seafood at home.
This simple recipe delivers meatiness without any meat. It calls for pan-searing hearty oyster mushrooms until they’re as crispy and golden as...
In my quest to cook all of my January meals, tofu has come through, whether as a hearty breakfast scramble, a spicy braise or a companion to crispy...
I love marshmallows. To eat, to hold over a fire, on top of my sweet potato casserole, in my hot chocolate and especially in my favorite perfumes....
Last Wednesday we celebrated the Chinese New Year, this year it’s the year of the snake. It is a tradition across most of Asia to enjoy a lavish...
In Filipino, 'a la pobre' means a lot of garlic, and everything is better with garlic! This includes Chef Boy Logro's recipe for Hot Chick a la Pobre!