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Maroc Maroc - SPYETV.COM.NG - A La Une - 22/Jun 22:02

One Year in Office: NAOWA President Mariya Lagbaja Launches Groundbreaking 'Next Level Transformation Initiative' to Empower Members

Mrs Mariya Lagbaja, President of the Nigerian Army Officers Wives' Association (NAOWA), in commemoration of her one-year anniversary as the 23rd President of the Nigerian Army Officers' Wives Association (NAOWA) has launched her "Next Level Transformation Initiative for all NAOWA members. The celebration, which has the theme, "The Journey So Far," took place on Saturday, 22 June 2024, at the Army Headquarters Command Officers' Mess 1, Asokoro, Abuja, Mrs Lagbaja said this initiative according to Mrs Lagbaja aims to further empower and uplift NAOWA members, providing new opportunities for personal and professional growth. Mrs Lagbaja who expressed her sincere gratitude to all NAOWA members, for their constant support and cooperation, which enabled the noble Association to achieve its goals this past year, noted that it is also a demonstration of her commitment to the continuous improvement of the Association and the betterment of the community.She said NAOWA shall soon reconvene to commission her key projects, which include a modernized National Secretariat, a remodeled NAOWA Events Centre, NAOWA Guest House, and a Recreational Park. "These projects are a testament to our collective efforts in creating lasting and meaningful impact within our communities.Reflecting on the past year, Mrs Lagbaja who filled with a deep sense of pride and gratitude for the collective achievements NAOWA has accomplished, pointed out that "over the past twelve months, we have embarked on numerous outreaches, programmes, and initiatives aimed at enhancing the welfare of our members, uplifting our communities, and supporting the humanitarian efforts of the Nigerian Army."I have also commissioned several projects initiated by some NAOWA Chairpersons which effectively demonstrates that NAOWA presiding members at all levels have fully embraced and keyed into my vision of “Sustaining Legacies Through Unwavering Commitment to Unity and Service for the Betterment of Humanity.”"This vision remains unconditional, and I am committed to ensuring that NAOWA continues to uphold a great reputation in the public eye. I am also dedicated to sustaining our Association's legacies by upgrading and improving upon our assets and institutions."Mrs Lagbaja therefore urged all NAOWA Members to use the occasion to renew thier commitment and to look forward to a future filled with greater accomplishments and positive change. In his good will message, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja who was also the Special Guest of Honour pledged to sustain Nigerian Army’s support to the Nigerian Army Officers Wives' Association (NAOWA). The Army Chief reflected on the association’s achievements over the past year and saluted the NAOWA President for providing purposeful and impactful leadership to the organization in the past one year since her assumption of office. He added, that the untiring efforts, doggedness, and commitment of NAOWA, especially with the humanitarian interventions, provision of modern structures and cutting-edge facilities have improved the living standards of members, as well as Barracks and neighbouring communities.Appreciating the leadership of NAOWA, the Army Chief lauded the National President for exceptional ability to shoulder enormous responsibilities, describing her as a 'perfectionist who pushes herself beyond her limit to break barriers and attain her objectives'.As the association enters its second year under the current dispensation, the COAS challenged the association to expand the frontiers of its activities in close concert with the Nigerian Army Soldiers Wives' Association (NASWA) to accommodate wider participation by the women.The COAS assured NAOWA of Army Headquarters’ support in achieving her goals, even more than it was able to accomplish in the past year. Emphasizing the enormous benefits of NAOWA and NASWA, the COAS declared that the AHQ will collaborate more closely with both associations to realize the sound administration beam of his Command Philosophy and its associated pillars of welfare and support to the home front. The event was attended by the Chief of Army Staff, (COAS), Lieutenant General Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja, dignitaries from various sectors of the society, Principal Staff Officers from the Army Headquarters, members of NAOWA and NASWA as well as staff and students of NAOWA Schools in Abuja. www.twitter.com/spyetv

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