Naija247news reports that a devastating fire outbreak has claimed the lives of three individuals in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. The tragic incident...
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Safiu Kehinde Residents of Ibadan, Oyo state capital, has again witnessed another tragedy after fire guts a storey building, killing a couple and their grandson. The incident which reportedly occured in the early hours of Friday at the Eru, Idikan area of the capital city was confirmed by the General Manager of Oyo State Fire [...]
Naija247news reports that a devastating fire outbreak has claimed the lives of three individuals in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. The tragic incident...
A devastating house fire in the Ori-Eru area of Idikan, Ibadan, Oyo State, has claimed the lives of a man, his wife, and their grandson. The...
Safiu Kehinde Oyo state governor, Seyi Makinde, has confirmed the death of many persons at a stampede which occurred at the Islamic High School...
Safiu Kehinde A fire outbreak has on Saturday gutted Modern Timber Market in Enugu state. The fire incident, which cause cannot be ascertained,...
Safiu Kehinde Queen Naomi Silekunola, ex-wife of Ooni of Ife, has been arrested over the ill-fated children carnival Ibadan, Oyo state capital, which...
Safiu Kehinde Queen Naomi Silekunola, ex-wife of Ooni of Ife, has been arrested over the ill-fated children carnival Ibadan, Oyo state capital, which...
21, December 2024 A large fire erupted in the early hours of Saturday, engulfing the well-known spare parts market at Gate, Ibadan, Oyo State, and...
Safiu Kehinde Oyo state Police Command has confirmed the death of 35 minors at the ill-fated children funfair at Ibadan, Oyo state, yesterday. This...
Safiu Kehinde Oyo state Police Command has confirmed the death of 35 minors at the ill-fated children funfair at Ibadan, Oyo state, yesterday. This...
CDHR Sympathises With Families Of Ibadan Tragedy OpenLife Nigeria reports that over 30 children were reportedly died in a Christmas Funfair in Ibadan,...