In a coordinated operation on Monday, security forces led by the Police successfully rescued 36 kidnapped victims in the Danko/Wasagu Local...
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By MOHAMMED DANBABA In a remarkable operation, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Police Command, in collaboration with the Rivers State Police Command, successfully rescued 4-year-old Hope Evans in Abuja following two weeks of intensive investigation and a manhunt. The Abduction: A Clever Disguise and a Bold Escape The ordeal began...
In a coordinated operation on Monday, security forces led by the Police successfully rescued 36 kidnapped victims in the Danko/Wasagu Local...
The Rivers State Police Command has announced the arrest of 30-year-old Nwile Bete, a suspected kidnapping kingpin, during an operation in Port...
Zuko Komisa Police have apprehended seven kidnappers, rescued two businessmen who had been abducted, and seized guns, cell phones, and vehicles used...
The Nigerian Military, Nigeria Police Force, and other security forces in a concerted effort to end insurgency activities in the country have...
William Samuel says words cannot describe his joy after he was reunited with his son Zaheer, 18 hours after the teenager was abducted outside the...
Footage has captured the chilling moment an eight-year-old girl was rescued after she was allegedly abducted.
A 17-YEAR-OLD male was rescued by the Davao City Police Office on Dec. 15, after being involved in an illegal drag race along MacArthur Highway in...
The Kebbi State Police Command has successfully rescued 36 individuals who were abducted along the Mairairai/Bena road in Danko/Wasagu Local...
Police are searching for a 14-year-old boy who was kidnapped outside his family’s business place, SS Plant and Garden Shop, in St Augustine early...
The Federal Capital Territory, FCT, police command has arrested eight suspects and recovered seven vehicles over ‘one chance’ robbery in the...