Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent...
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Meta on Feb 27 said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent political shift of its boss Mark Zuckerberg towards US President Donald Trump. Read full story
Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent...
Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent...
Meta on Thursday said it had laid off 20 workers for leaking information to the media, as the social media giant faces pressure over the recent...
US President Donald Trump’s administration has announced to put all but a handful of US Agency for International Development (USAID) employees on...
British energy giant BP is reportedly set to abandon its renewable energy targets and return to its fossil fuel roots in a dramatic shift aimed at...
Meta fired about 20 employees because they had leaked “confidential information outside the company,” with more firings expected. Meta fired about...
The Trump administration is restoring jobs for dozens of National Park Service employees fired amid government-wide reductions and hiring nearly 3,000...
The tech giant bets Starmer will fold, Musk faces GOP pushback and tech sees returns on Trump investment
The new boss of Victoria’s embattled construction union has lashed out at those allegedly responsible for corrupting the Allan government’s giant...
Around 300 workers are being made redundant at the social media company’s Irish operation.