Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
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Dicke Betonklötze blockieren die Zufahrt zum Grenzübergang Połowce-Pieszczatka im Nordosten Polens. Alexandra von Nahmen Deutsche Welle Jeder ist 1,7 Tonnen schwer. “Nicht einmal zwei Panzer könnten sie hier wegbewegen”, sagt ein …
Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
Actor Sahil Khan recently announced that his wife, Milena Alexandra, has converted to Islam. The actor married 22-year-old Milena, originally from...
Alexander Lukashenko is assured victory in Belarus' presidential election amidst claims of electoral fraud and ongoing repression.
Nikolai Lukashenko, a "copy of his father" Alexander, appears to be being groomed to take power in Belarus.
President Alexander Lukashenko will be running to secure a seventh term, extending his 30-year rule over Belarus.
Russia’s Oreshnik intermediate-range ballistic missile system will arrive in Belarus within days, President Alexander Lukashenko has said Read Full...
The 70-year-old former collective farm boss has been in power in reclusive, Moscow-allied Belarus since 1994
The European Union rejected the election in Belarus on Sunday as illegitimate and threatened new sanctions.
Poland prioritizes border security amid migration challenges from Belarus.