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Maroc Maroc - TIMBERBIZ.COM.AU - A La Une - 19/Jun 00:18

T3 Collingwood wins award with the last of Vic hardwood timber

A 15-storey office tower, with a six-star energy rating, manufactured in Heyfield has won the Australian Institute of Architects 2024 Vic Chapter Awards – Commercial Architecture category. Source: Timberbiz The striking T3 Collingwood building claims the title of Australia’s tallest timber building and includes 10 levels of mass timber columns and beams was proudly designed and prefabricated locally by Australian Sustainable Hardwood (ASH) in Gippsland. Praising the innovative building in state parliament after visiting the site with Australian Forest Products Association’s Richard Hyett, The Nationals, Melina Bath spoke about the importance of wood in our community, paying tribute to the expert engineering and talented workers. “The building is a masterpiece – the structural beams and columns are made from native Ash, and they are magnificent – they look and feel beautiful, you walk up, and want to touch them,” Ms Bath said. “The building is a reminder of the importance of wood in our lives and showcases what can be achieved using a naturally grown sustainable building material. “Appallingly, the building is a one off, a heart-breaking reminder of Labor’s terrible decision shut Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry. “It is one of Labor’s biggest environmental failures to shut down a Victorian hardwood industry when our state is able to engineer and create such magnificent products. “Despite countless studies showing wood construction enriches people’s lives and has a 40% reduction in embodied carbon compared to other construction materials – Labor turned its back on the industry and the thousands of regional jobs it supported. “This inspirational building stores carbon, and it was faster to assemble than conventional concrete and steel construction, with less occupational health and safety incidents.” Ms Bath offered her congratulations to the ASH team in Heyfield for its expertise in manufacturing the hardwood components for the magnificent T3 building. “I am encouraging all my eastern Victoria constituents to visit the building to marvel what is sadly the last of its kind built using Victorian hardwood timber.” The T3 Collingwood building is located at 36 Wellington Street, Collingwood or can be viewed online at https://t3collingwood.com.au/

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