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Maroc Maroc - RAWSTORY.COM - Raw Story - 18/Jun 21:51

'Granting mass thinkit': Trump struggles through another gaffe-filled rally speech

Donald Trump struggled through another rally speech marred by mumbling and slurring in Milwaukee, Wisconsin rally on Tuesday — and his critics were delighted. "Joe Biden is forming granting mass--thinkit," Trump meandered in a section of the speech, with an excerpt of the video quickly spreading on line.The mumbling led to his foes, like the Republican Never Trumpers at Lincoln Project, to anticipate "the debate should be fun."At another moment, Trump mispronounced citizenship by calling it "citizensip." Trump went on to claim that Joe Biden would be doing millions of dollars worth of cocaine during the debates. He then randomly pivoted to talking about a laptop that "somebody" left behind, apparently confusing Hunter Biden with Joe Biden. He then asserted that inflation was between "40 and 50 percent" — rather the 3.3 percent that was recorded at over the last 12 months. He might be confusing it with the fact that inflation hit a 40-year high, but that was two years ago in June 2022 when Americans were starting to come out of the pandemic. As Trump continued, he struggled to remember ABC News host George Stephanopoulos' name, making a couple of efforts to pronounce it: ""George Stopalopodis ... George Stopodiaiiee."ALSO READ: ‘They could have killed me’: Spycraft, ballots and a Trumped-up plot gone haywireThe ex-president then bragged that he did well in Wisconsin in 2016 and even did "better" in 2020. Trump actually lost Wisconsin in 2020. Trump then mocked former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy by telling the crowd: "There's never been a politician, Vivek -- you're just peanuts, by comparison, Vivek!"In a startling moment, Trump was talking about how he could have enjoyed a better life if he didn't run for office and, in the middle of a sentence, he noticed a lake and began talking about sharks. Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling wrote in the New Republic that Trump can't stop fumbling during his rambling speeches and questioned whether it was an indication of a cognitive decline.See some of the moments below or at the link here: — (@) — (@) — (@)

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