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State moves to bin assisted dying 'gag' on doctors

thewest.com.au - 20/Feb 00:09

The first Australian state to legalise voluntary euthanasia is set to lift a "gag clause" on doctors raising the subject with terminally ill patients.

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Victoria to widen access to assisted dying after ‘heartbreaking’ stories

smh.com.au - 20/Feb 02:31

Reforms designed to bring Victoria’s assisted dying framework in line with other states will be put to a conscience vote by the year’s end.

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Balram Patel’s father says his son’s death was a case of “forced assisted dying” due to medical negligence

thecanary.co - 19/Feb 13:41

Patients Lives Matter, a patient advocacy group, has announced the dates for the coroner’s inquest into the death of Balram Patel. The inquest will...

Domestic violence victims must be included in the assisted dying debate, campaigners say

theguardian.com - 22/Feb 16:46

Charities warn of ‘significant risk’ that victims of coercive control could be put under pressure to end their lives under assisted dying...

Assisted dying bill critics attack plan for ‘civil service tsar’ to oversee panels

theguardian.com - 14/Feb 13:58

Amendments tabled by Kim Leadbeater reveal new details about expert groups who will decide on cases

Legalising assisted dying in England and Wales ‘may hamper suicide prevention work’

theguardian.com - 21/Feb 10:36

Government adviser says changing law would challenge long-held consensus of trying to prevent all suicides.

Why changes to assisted dying bill are cause for concern | Letters

theguardian.com - 17/Feb 17:05

Readers respond to Kim Leadbeater’s proposed amendment to replace a high court judge with an expert panel to make final decisions on applications

Voices that oppose the assisted dying bill aren’t ‘noise’. They are vital scrutiny | Sonia Sodha

theguardian.com - 16/Feb 08:30

Rather than rush through such a high-stakes law, it’s essential to listen to all sides of the debate

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