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South African border authorities have arrested a suspect attempting to smuggle explosives worth R600 000 through the Beitbridge border.
Watch the full version of the "Another Zimbabwean man caught with explosives at the border" in a minute.
Musina – A Zimbabwean truck driver, Anymore Nyambawa (55), has been arrested after authorities caught him having successfully smuggled drugs worth...
Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau SOUTH Africa’s police unit, the Hawks, have arrested a 55-year-old Zimbabwean truck driver with a contraband of...
Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau ZIMBABWEAN border officials and their South African counterparts have started working on contingent plans to clear...
ZIMRA seized 163kg of dagga at Beitbridge from a South African truck traveling to DRC, with the investigation ongoing.
.... Says his arrest after 17 years in hiding, Interpol red notice on him, an affirmation Nigeria won’t be a safe haven for drug cartels After 17...
SAPS arrested a Zimbabwean suspect in Kroondal after hijacking a truck with help from local farmers who tracked the vehicle before the arrest.
Police have arrested four cross-border transporters who allegedly attempted to smuggle drugs worth US$25,000 through [...]
Police discovered explosives worth thousands of rands