MPs on Wednesday pointed to possible violations of the law regarding Opap grants, saying that Opap may be “filtering” the applications before...
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A revised bill on parental custody legislation was discussed at the House legal committee on Wednesday, with parents saying they are currently living a nightmare over the right to see their children and MPs expressing reservations regarding the additional powers vested to the welfare services, which in 2023 had 505 cases and a mere eight […]
MPs on Wednesday pointed to possible violations of the law regarding Opap grants, saying that Opap may be “filtering” the applications before...
Parliament’s Lower House has passed historic legislation to protect the nation’s cultural heritage. The landmark Cultural Heritage Protection Bill...
Lawyers and MPs expressed reservations on Wednesday over proposed legislation to restrict the right to protest, however the police and state bodies...
Former Finance Minister Ruth Richardson has spoken in support of the Treaty Principles Bill, saying it is legislation of "consequence, whose time has...
“We have received some interested reservations of proposed parties, we are looking at around eight reserved political parties at the moment,” she...
A country’s index of civilisation is found in the way its people treat animals, Disy MP Savia Orphanidou said on Wednesday after a House environment...
The Iowa House and Senate, working simultaneously Thursday, passed a bill removing gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights Act. It is the first...
Online fashion retailer, which is planning an IPO in London, responds to questions from parliamentary committee
Apple has released a “white paper” titled “Helping Protect Kids Online” in which it outlines changes to it’s parental control systems and...
Legal experts including former CJI U U Lalit endorsed the 'one nation, one election' bill at a Joint Parliamentary Committee meeting, asserting it...