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Maroc Maroc - JAMAICA-GLEANER.COM - News Stories - 26/Feb 22:44

Alleged Clansman gangster fatally shot in police confrontation in Manchester

The Police High Command has heightened the threat levels against its members in St Catherine and Manchester following the fatal shooting of an alleged high-ranking member of the Clansman gang in Manchester today. The deceased has been identified...

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Alleged gangster cut down by cops

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Two men fatally shot in alleged police confrontation in Old Harbour Bay

jamaica-gleaner.com - 02/Mar 22:38

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Alleged burglar fatally shot by off-duty cop at St Catherine bar

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Three shot, one fatally, in Linstead

jamaica-gleaner.com - 02/Mar 16:47

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'Stamma' shot and killed by police in alleged shootout in Kingston

jamaica-gleaner.com - 26/Feb 16:34

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Update | Man shot by police in Big Lane, Central Village succumbs

jamaica-gleaner.com - 20/Feb 18:12

The man who was on Tuesday shot by the police during an alleged confrontation in Big Lane, Central Village, St Catherine has died from his injuries. ...

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Trainee policeman reportedly accidentally shoots himself at police station in St Catherine

jamaica-gleaner.com - 20/Feb 15:56

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St Catherine police trainee reportedly shoots himself on accident

jamaica-gleaner.com - 20/Feb 17:07

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Update |Licensed firearm holder charged for fatal shooting at candlelight vigil in Manchester

jamaica-gleaner.com - 01/Mar 20:25

The Mandeville Criminal Investigation Branch has charged the licensed firearm holder who shot five persons, two fatally, during an argument at a...

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Rushawn Patterson, accused in Slickianna murder case, fatally shot by police

jamaica-gleaner.com - 25/Feb 14:11

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