A-month long futsal tournament, featuring 16 teams, has kicked off in Ghazni city, the capital of southern Ghazni province, an official announced on...
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A friendly futsal league between government and non-governmental departments has been launched in western Ghor province, an official said on Saturday.
A-month long futsal tournament, featuring 16 teams, has kicked off in Ghazni city, the capital of southern Ghazni province, an official announced on...
Construction work has been launched on 50 kilometers of roads in Tirinkot city, the capital of central Uruzgan province, an official said on Monday.
JALALABAD (Pajhwok): Construction of a road with adjusted canal and culverts estimated to cost 14 million afghanis has been launched in eastern...
Skating competition between 25 players has been held in southern Ghazni province, an official said on Monday.
The Ministry of Education's Teacher Professional Development and Curriculum Directorate has launched a capacity building program for hundreds of...
Reconstruction work has been completed on a bridge at a cost of 29 million afghanis in the Gizab district of central Uruzgan province, an official...
Sugar factory in northern Baghlan province has been reactivated and resumed operation after a long time, an official said on Thursday.
The renovation and construction of 40 shops in Zaranj City, the capital of southwestern Zaranj province has started at a cost of more than 10 million...
Highways linking Ghor with Kabul and Herat and roads in nine districts of the western province have been closed for traffic due to heavy snowfall and...
A clean water drinking water network has been constructed at a cost of over seven million afs in the Nawai district of southern Ghazni province and...