In this edition: Varme Energy brings in CEO from Norway for first-of-its-kind facility; Edmonton passes new Public Spaces Bylaw; and more headlines...
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In this edition: On the agenda: Public spaces bylaw, Nordic spa, new infrastructure committee; spreading fear about downtown bridge closures is unhelpful, podcasters say; and more headlines and happenings
In this edition: Varme Energy brings in CEO from Norway for first-of-its-kind facility; Edmonton passes new Public Spaces Bylaw; and more headlines...
Outcries from the Downtown Revitalization Coalition and mayoral hopeful, Coun. Tim Cartmell, about the city's plan to fix several bridges that connect...
This week, council is set to vote on the proposed public spaces bylaw, a rezoning to allow a Nordic spa in the river valley, and establishing a new...
In this edition: On the agenda: Community revitalization levy, violence prevention, transit priority; police commissioner's link to healthcare scandal...
In this edition: Boyle Street creates artist residency to prioritize arts programming for marginalized clients; calls for public engagement: Policing,...
In this edition: Hydrogen HUB enters 'activation phase' with new leader; Edmonton sees record construction growth in 2025; and more headlines and...
In this edition: Council urged to accelerate adoption of heat pumps; calls for public engagement: Rossdale rezoning, renewal, green economy; and more...
In this edition: Library's resident musician wants to connect Edmonton's music scene; Alberta government tables deficit budget; A moment in history...
In this edition: Panini's adds ghost kitchens to boost the bottom line; The Province, City, and Oilers Entertainment Group have related a tentative...
In this edition: Former fire chief joins Darkhorse Emergency to translate analytics to customers; City of Edmonton introduces new violence prevention...