Therapy dog programs show promise in supporting university students' mental health, reducing anxiety and depression during their first semester...
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American scientists from the University of Washington have found that regular communication of students with therapeutic dogs significantly reduced the level of stress, anxiety and depression. The study was published scientifically magazine Pet. In the project, 145 first -year students who left their pets were included in the university due to acceptance. The participants were […]
Therapy dog programs show promise in supporting university students' mental health, reducing anxiety and depression during their first semester...
The Brazilian scientists from San Paulo Federal University found a decrease in the amount of gray matter responsible for thinking, memory and emotions...
Scientists of the University of California in Riverside and Michigan State University formed a class of a new light-sensitive chemical-carbon-carbon...
American scientists from the University of Princeton first appreciated how commercial foresting contributed to the loss of biological diversity...
American scientists from the University of Florida achieved a breakthrough in the development of Salmonellose vaccines, one of the most dangerous food...
American astronomers from the University of Maryland discovered a star moving at an incredible speed per hour. The armature fascinates with a planet...
American neurobiologists from the University of Princeton developed a model showing the processing mechanics of sensory signals with the brain during...
American astronomers from the Harvard and Smithsonian Astrophysics Center learned that the Hypershangous Stars (GSZ) came from the Milky Way Galaxy...
How psilocybin is revolutionizing mental health treatment, from depression to PTSD.
American scientists from the NASA reactive laboratory found the evidence of the ocean in the ice bear Jupiter Callisto. The results are based on the...