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Maroc Maroc - KINCAID.COM.BR - A La Une - 16/Dec 13:43

Alvopetro inicia perfuração de poço no Recôncavo

Poço começou a ser perfurado no bloco onshore REC-T-183, localizado na Bacia do Recôncavo A Alvopetro iniciou, na quinta-feira (12), a perfuração do poço 3-ALV-17HP-BA […]

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Alvopetro inicia perfuração de poço no Recôncavo

kincaid.com.br - 16/Dec 13:43

Poço começou a ser perfurado no bloco onshore REC-T-183, localizado na Bacia do Recôncavo A Alvopetro iniciou, na quinta-feira (12), a perfuração...

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EBRD supports the largest onshore wind project in Africa

evwind.es - 24/Dec 13:28

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting renewable energy and low?carbon technologies in Egypt by arranging a...

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Vestas secures 217 MW order for onshore wind and 35 wind turbines in the UK

evwind.es - 18/Dec 16:38

Vestas has secured a 217 MW order from SSE Generation Limited for the Strathy South wind energy project in Scotland, UK. Vestas will deliver 35...

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Germany wheat: February APM assessed at €11/t premium to March Euronext

agricensus.com - 16/Dec 19:16

The German 12.5% FOB wheat APM for February loading was assessed at a €11 per tonne premium over the March Euronext contract, with offers received...

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Fundo da Marinha Mercante reserva US$ 278 milhões para a Transpetro

kincaid.com.br - 17/Dec 14:22

O dinheiro poderá ser usado pela estatal para contratar quatro navios de cabotagem da classe Handy. A aprovação do financiamento vai ser publicada...

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T&T White Angels held goalless by SVG; T&T U-20 and U-17 women clash next

wired868.com - 17/Dec 03:54

It was a tale of two halves and no goals for Trinidad and Tobago football fans today as the T&T White Angels (the Women’s National Under-20...

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RWE reaches 10 gigawatts in wind power and photovoltaic in the US

evwind.es - 18/Dec 16:51

RWE, a leading global energy company, has reached a significant growth milestone in the U.S. after hitting 10 gigawatts (GW) of installed generation...

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