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Maroc Maroc - RENEWECONOMY.COM.AU - Comments Feed - 19/Feb 07:59

Comment on Peter Dutton’s nuclear accounting trick #1: Assume you can halve the cost of nuclear power by David D

In reply to <a href="https://reneweconomy.com.au/peter-duttons-nuclear-accounting-trick-1-assume-you-can-halve-the-cost-of-nuclear-power/#comment-176754">Brian Bycroft</a>. The LNP shld finance their from the donations from the FF industry not from govt money, ie. our taxes. Or Perhaps Dutto's nuclear fantasy is just that: an excuse to continue burning FF for another 20 years so the major parties can continue to receive donations from the FF industry. Google market forces dirty money

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Comment on Peter Dutton’s nuclear accounting trick #1: Assume you can halve the cost of nuclear power by AndrewJ

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