David Lynch, the writer-director whose hallucinogenic films and television shows such as “Eraserhead,” “Mulholland Drive,” and “Twin...
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The visionary film-maker and prolific artist, purveyor of the dark, mysterious, abstract and unspoken, died aged 78
David Lynch, the writer-director whose hallucinogenic films and television shows such as “Eraserhead,” “Mulholland Drive,” and “Twin...
Groundbreaking cinema director David Lynch has died at the age of 78. As well as chalking up nominations for his filmmaking, he was also an acclaimed...
David Lynch, the American filmmaker whose works include the surrealist cult classics Mulholland Drive and Twin Peaks, has died aged 78.
The American filmmaker who was celebrated for his uniquely dark vision in movies such as Blue Velvet has died just days before his 79th birthday.
Filmmaker David Lynch, who created surreal television shows and films such as Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet, has died at 78. His...
David Lynch, the filmmaker celebrated for his uniquely dark and dreamlike vision in such movies as "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Drive" and the TV...
David Lynch, the filmmaker celebrated for his uniquely dark and dreamlike vision in such movies as “Blue Velvet” and “Mulholland Drive”...
David Lynch, the iconic director, artist, and pioneer in surrealist filmmaking has died at the age of 78, his family announced this morning. In a...
Renowned US film director and writer David Lynch has died aged 78, his family has said on Facebook Read Full Article at RT.com
The recent death of David Lynch is still being felt throughout the film-loving world. Lynch earned a reputation as a truly singular artist that made...