Nikki Giovanni, the groundbreaking poet, author, and professor whose work embodied the spirit of the Black Arts Movement and beyond, died on Monday in...
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Nikki Giovanni, born in Knoxville, Tennessee, on 7 June 1943, was a critically acclaimed poet, educator and activist whose work was pivotal to the Black Arts movement and the Black Power movement. Giovanni attended her grandfather’s alma mater, Fisk University, graduating with honors in history and becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta. Later, she returned to academia as a university professor at Virginia Tech. Her influential body of work includes her self-published book Black Feeling, Black Talk/Black Judgement
Nikki Giovanni, the groundbreaking poet, author, and professor whose work embodied the spirit of the Black Arts Movement and beyond, died on Monday in...
Trailblazing poet, writer, activist, educator, and icon of the Black arts movement Nikki Giovanni passed away on Monday at the age of 81. Per NPR,...
The award-winning US poet and author of works like Black Feeling, Black Talk and Those Who Ride the Night Winds has died after a third cancer...
The award-winning US poet and author of works like Black Feeling, Black Talk and Those Who Ride the Night Winds has died after a third cancer...
Nikki Giovanni, the poet, author, educator and public speaker who went from borrowing money to release her first book to spending decades as a...
Nikki Giovanni, the poet, author, educator and public speaker who went from borrowing money to release her first book to spending decades as a...
The poet set the course for her revolutionary career early, and charted it faithfully for decades by staying true to her vision and herself.
As a writer, she tackled race, gender, sex, politics and love. She was also a public intellectual who appeared on television and toured the country.
Renowned poet, activist, and literary icon, Nikki Giovanni, has passed away at the age of 81 after a courageous battle with cancer. The news of her...
University of Tennessee at Knoxville The University of Tennessee and the University of Sheffield recently signed a memorandum of understanding to...