The lives of two siblings are upended by gang violence and the loss of a beloved video game in this haunting yet shaky French drama.
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Karissa Chen’s debut, “Homeseeking,” follows two childhood sweethearts who meet in Shanghai, and whose lives are upended by the forces of history.
The lives of two siblings are upended by gang violence and the loss of a beloved video game in this haunting yet shaky French drama.
The lives of two siblings are upended by gang violence and the loss of a beloved video game in this haunting yet shaky French drama.
In “The Secret History of the Rape Kit,” Pagan Kennedy explores the tangled story of a simple but life-changing innovation, and the woman who...
The beginning of a new year is often a chance to relax and unwind following an eventful holiday period. With this in mind, here are some top movies...
Presidents Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter, who are exiting the stage of history together, are accidental presidents whose tenures were marked by foreign...
A revelatory account of the composers and performers whose lives were determined by the whims of a dictator
Caryl Phillips’s new novel, “Another Man in the Street,” follows an immigrant who arrives in 1960s London.
In “The Waiting Game,” the historian Nicola Clark tells a lively and vivid story of the women who served Henry VIII’s queens.
In “Embers of the Hands,” the historian Eleanor Barraclough looks beyond the soap-opera sagas to those lost in the cracks of history.
Ever since the people of the world learnt the need for homogeneity –be it cultural, linguistic, religion, tribal of for the necessity to band...