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Slow-release ketamine tablets help prevent depression relapses, UK trial finds

theguardian.com - 24/Jun 15:00

71% of patients found to experience a relapse compared with 43% who received the pills twice a week

Prolonged-Release Ketamine Tablets: Potential Cure for Severe Depression

medindia.net - 25/Jun 14:35

A novel tablet formulation of ketamine has demonstrated potential in the treatment of severe depression, providing a possible substitute for the...

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Slow-Release Ketamine Pill Eases Depression: Study

drugs.com - 25/Jun 14:06

TUESDAY, June 25, 2024 -- A new slow-release pill form of ketamine can quell hard-to-treat depression without producing psychedelic side effects...

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Decade-long study shows racial disparities in Ottawa traffic stops

factpatrol.com - 23/Jun 08:04

Ottawa’s police force says it has a “strong commitment” to improvement after a study into tens of thousands of traffic stops by...

Long-term Depression from Youth Affects Middle-Aged Brain Health

medindia.net - 16/Jun 18:19

A study finds prolonged depressive symptoms from young adulthood impair cognitive functions in middle age, with black adults affected more than...

Number of girls in England taking computing GCSE plummets, study finds

theguardian.com - 26/Jun 23:01

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Number of girls in England taking computing GCSE plummets, study finds

theguardian.com - 26/Jun 23:01

Introduction of new syllabus may be reason number of girls taking subject more than halved in eight years, academics say

Stanford study identifies six depression biotypes for personalized treatment

news.medical.net - 17/Jun 13:51

In the not-too-distant future, a screening assessment for depression could include a quick brain scan to identify the best treatment.

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Walking greatly benefits people with low back pain, study finds

knowridge.com - 20/Jun 14:27

A new study published in The Lancet has found that regular walking can significantly reduce the recurrence of low back pain in adults. The research...

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