Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies,...
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Telegram is profitable for the first time after paying down “a meaningful share” of some R37.1 billion in debt.
Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies,...
Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies,...
The founder and chief executive of the Telegram encrypted messaging app Pavel Durov said on Monday that the platform had recorded a net profit for the...
The founder and chief executive of the Telegram encrypted messaging app Pavel Durov said on Monday that the platform had recorded a net profit for the...
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The founder and chief executive of the Telegram encrypted messaging app Pavel Durov said on Monday that the...
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The founder and chief executive of the Telegram encrypted messaging app Pavel Durov said on Monday that the...
Messaging platform Telegram has surpassed $1 billion in revenue this year, according to its CEO Read Full Article at RT.com
Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, announced that the company has reached profitability for the first time in 2024, with total revenue exceeding $1...
he milestone comes as the messaging service faces increasing scrutiny for aiding the spread of misinformation and illegal content such as child sexual...
By David Hutt The communist apparatchiks who run Laos must appease China if they are to stop their national debt crisis from worsening and avoid...