2024 sure had somewhere to go, didn’t it? And with so little time left in the year, it’s time to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished, and all...
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The year is almost over and it's time to look back and review everything that we've accomplished, as well as all the things that didn't go as planned.
2024 sure had somewhere to go, didn’t it? And with so little time left in the year, it’s time to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished, and all...
As we wrap up 2024, News 5 is excited to bring you our digital Year in Review! This year, we're diving into the highlights and challenges of the past...
Devin Nunes, the former congressman and MAGA loyalist picked by Donald Trump to chair the Intelligence Advisory Board, has a long history of...
As we wrap up 2024, News 5 is excited to bring you our digital Year in Review! This year, we're diving into the highlights and challenges of the past...
As we wrap up 2024, News 5 is excited to bring you our digital Year in Review! This year, we're diving into the highlights and challenges of the past...
As we wrap up 2024, News 5 is excited to bring you our digital Year in Review! This year, we're diving into the highlights and challenges of the past...
As we wrap up 2024, News 5 is excited to bring you our digital Year in Review! This year, we're diving into the highlights and challenges of the past...
... My Soul-friend passed into the Astral Plane (and his father Gerard, in 2011, that was my host-dad). Or passed on to the Summerland, or Heaven, or...
“We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.” --...
I don’t know what incentive there is for the Senate Democrats to play along with Donald Trump. Right now, there seems to be some reason, however...