Medicine played a central role in Ancient Greek culture, as it did in history at large. The oath of Hippocrates is still taken by young medicine...
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Greeks take their traditions, including those related to food, holidays, spirits, dances, and arts, which have persisted for thousands of years, very seriously. Those cultural practices which have helped them in the healing of disease and maintenance of good health and wellness are referred to as Traditional Greek Medicine. By Rachel Thomas Traditional medicine uses […]
Medicine played a central role in Ancient Greek culture, as it did in history at large. The oath of Hippocrates is still taken by young medicine...
An amazing variety of ancient Greek healing herbs can be found today in the “Asclepius Path” on Mount Kerketion, where, according to Greek...
Archestratus, an ancient Greek poet and philosopher in the mid 4th century BCE from Sicily, is often referred to as the Father of Gastronomy.
While Odysseus and Achilles fought for the same side, they embody two fundamentally different approaches to heroism. Achilles represents brute...
Think tanks and universities have helped expose problematic Chinese business practices. Now, those businesses are accusing them of defamation.
The ancient Greek statue of Apoxyomenos, also known as the “Croatian Apoxiomenos,” is a remarkable ancient Greek bronze statue depicting...
Three hundred dancers from 20 countries met on Friday night on Dionysiou Areopagitou Street under the brightly lit Acropolis, to dance zeibekiko and...
The ancient Greeks used to make a wide variety of breads, as they considered it to be of great importance in their eating habits. Wheat, considered a...
The ancient Greeks, or Hellenes, have contributed significantly to the foundation and development of various academic disciplines. It has been...