A devastating fire outbreak on Friday night razed parts of the Olusola Saraki Market, Ita-Amo area in Ilorin West Local Government Area, destroying...
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A devastating fire outbreak in the late afternoon of Friday, January 10, 2024, caused destruction of three shops along the Ahoe-Stadium Road in Ho in the Volta Region.
A devastating fire outbreak on Friday night razed parts of the Olusola Saraki Market, Ita-Amo area in Ilorin West Local Government Area, destroying...
A fire outbreak at Dagomba Line in Asawase has claimed the life of a 3-year-old boy, leaving the Ashanti Region town in grief. The deceased, who has...
A fire outbreak has razed over a hundred and thirty shops at the Kwadaso Wood Market in the Kwadaso municipality of the Ashanti region. The affected...
THE FIRE in the warehouse owned by Davao Wanshida Inc. along Mudiang Road in Barangay Ilang on Tuesday afternoon caused P8.4 million in property...
A devastating fire broke out at Dagomba Line in Asawase of the Ashanti Region, claiming the life of a 3-year-old boy. The victim was sleeping in a...
A fire outbreak on Friday night destroyed goods worth millions of Naira at Olusola Saraki Market in the Ita-Amo area of Ilorin West Local Government,...
A three-year-old boy has died in a fire outbreak at Dagomba Line in Asawase, a suburb of Kumasi.
A fire outbreak early Tuesday morning destroyed a two-storey building housing a building materials plaza at Ahia-Mgbede, opposite the Motor Spare...
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has hit the Kyushu region in southwestern Japan on Monday, as reported by The Associated Press, after citing Japan's...
Detectives from the St Catherine North Police Division are searching for a group of gunmen who indiscriminately fired on a motor car, injuring three...